MHARS Lorain County General Roofing Contractors Volunteer To Fix A Mental Institution’s Roofs

Roofing Contractors Volunteer To Fix A Mental Institution’s Roofs

What’s the Importance of a Good Roof?


Your home’s interior and the outside world are separated by your roof. Your roof protects you from snow, hail, rain, ice, branches, and other debris if it’s in good condition. If your roof is damaged, your house may leak, grow mold and mildew, and have other issues. Large-scale water issues affecting important home systems might result from even a modest roof line leak and this is why we always recommend the best to do it; Spartanburg Roofing Company – Top Rated Roofers in Spartanburg, SC.

Home Value

One aspect of property value is curb appeal, which is improved by a decent roof. If your roof is covered in moss and algae, sags, or otherwise seems run-down, it suggests that your house hasn’t been maintained. A prospective buyer can presume the rest of the house has been carefully taken care of if the roof is in good condition. When you sell your house, the price may increase as a result.

Energy Efficiency

A quality roof increases the value of your house even if you aren’t selling. Your home will have fewer air leaks if the roof is structurally solid, there is adequate attic insulation, and there is adequate ventilation. With the air conditioner set at a higher temperature, you’ll feel more comfortable and pay less for heating and cooling. You need a good roof if you care about your home’s comfort, want to save money, and want to maintain its worth.

How to Patch a Roof Leak

Finding the leak is the most challenging component of fixing a roof leak. Once you’ve done that, fixes are frequently not too difficult.

Have you ever heard a steady stream of water in the middle of the night and realized it wasn’t coming from a faucet but rather from a location on the ceiling? There’s a good chance your roof leaks. Try to get back to sleep after locating a bucket, placing it beneath the drip. You can look into it tomorrow.

How to Find a Roof Leak

If you have an accessible attic, start looking there for the leak first. Because most roofs are sloped, the leak’s entrance into the roof and where it first showed on your ceiling are likely two separate locations. Examine the Sheathing or Rafters for Wet Spots.

Bring a flashlight and check the bottom of the rafters and roof sheathing for any shiny or moist areas. If the leak is older, the area may have rotten wood or mold growing on it. You can also check the insulation batts for moist spots if the rafter bays are insulated.

How to Fix a Roof Leak

Let’s move on to the repair, assuming you’ve located the leak. A roofing contractor with knowledge with that specific material should repair certain roof types, including slate, tile, and galvalume (metal). Additionally, if you lack experience, call a roofing contractor because they have the tools (ladders, scaffolding, fall protection) to handle very steep or difficult roof slopes.

Repair expenses for simple asphalt repairs might be as low as $100 to as much as $5,000 for slate, tile, or metal roofs.

Fixing Leaks in the Vent Boots

Leaks from plumbing vent pipes are frequently caused by the flashing; the rubber boot that surrounds the pipe may break or rip. It might be possible to replace simply the boot if the aluminum flashing is not leaking. Slide the new boot over the vent pipe after removing the old one.

Repairing the Flashing

The copper, lead, or aluminum sheets that cover seams and transitions, known as flashing, can go awry in many different areas. In other instances, the repair only serves as a temporary fix until the flashing can be replaced together with the roof as a whole. If the counter flashing around your chimney is dripping, patch any gaps with roof sealant or reattach individual sections with glue.

Since it affects every aspect of our life, mental health is more crucial than ever. Good mental health has an impact on everything we do, think, and say.

Motivators for mental health care

Stabilizing constructive habits, emotions, and thoughts requires maintaining good mental health and managing any mental health disorders. Focusing on mental health care can boost productivity, improve our self-perception, and strengthen bonds with others. 

Taking care of our mental health not only makes it easier for us to operate on a daily basis, but it can also help us combat or at least regulate some physical health issues that are closely related to mental health issues. For instance, since stress and heart disease are linked, reducing stress may benefit heart disease.

Beyond what has already been mentioned, having a healthy mind can have a big impact on our psychological, emotional, and social wellbeing. It has a direct impact on how we feel and behave every day. When we have to make difficult decisions, handle stress, and interact with others in our surroundings, our mental health plays a significant role.

However, mental health isn’t something we can just handle once and then move on from. At every stage of our lives, it is crucial. We must be aware of and treat mental health carefully at all stages of life, from childhood to adulthood.

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Top Reasons Why Mental Health Is So ImportantTop Reasons Why Mental Health Is So Important

Your wellbeing greatly depends on your mental health. How you are able to function psychologically, emotionally, and socially, among other things, depends on this component of your welfare.

Given the significant impact your mental health has on every element of your life, it is crucial to protect and enhance psychological wellness using the right strategies.

We’ll be emphasizing risk factors and symptoms that could point to mental discomfort because various conditions can have an impact on your mental health. But most significantly, we’ll explore all the advantages of having excellent mental health.

Factors at Risk for Mental Illness

A person’s ability to manage life’s typical challenges is considered a sign of good mental health. This condition permits effective labor performance and allows for significant societal contributions.

But there are other situations that could make it harder to deal with life’s unexpected curveballs. These factors may also disrupt daily activities, and the capacity to manage these changes.

The elements listed below may have an impact on mental health and may raise the possibility of psychiatric problems.

Childhood Abuse

A kid who experiences physical abuse, sexual assault, emotional abuse, or neglect as they mature is more likely to experience significant mental and emotional anguish.

Mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and personality disorders are more likely to develop as a result of abuse. Abused children may eventually struggle with alcohol and drug usage problems. But in addition to mental health issues, child abuse can result in bodily issues including diabetes, stroke, and other types of heart disease.

The Environment

The condition of a person’s typical environment has a significant impact on their mental health. Unfavorable environmental conditions might have a negative impact on psychological health.

For instance, a rise in suicide instances may be influenced by the weather. Similarly, firsthand exposure to natural disasters can raise the risk of acquiring PTSD. Air pollution occasionally has a deleterious impact on depressive symptoms. Contrarily, being in a supportive social setting can offer defense against mental health issues.


Your biological makeup may impact how well you are doing. A number of mental health issues have been identified to run in families and may be handed on to members. These include illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


Your mental health may be impacted by your way of living. Alcohol drinking, drug use, unsafe sexual conduct, smoking, a poor diet, and these activities all contribute to psychological harm. Depression has been associated with these behaviors.

A happy life requires good mental health. It encompasses our emotional, psychological, and sociological well-being and has an impact on how we think, feel, and live. Putting mental health first is obviously essential.

According to a study by the University of Oxford, 792 million people have a mental health problem in 2017. This translates to 10.7% of the world’s population.

Let’s examine why maintaining mental health is crucial and what we can do to do so in depth.

Mental Health plays a crucial role in relationships:

One of the strongest arguments for its significance is the connection between relationships and mental health. Interactions with friends and family may be impacted by mental illness. Passive aggressiveness, antagonism, and a lack of social skills are frequently side effects of mental diseases. Conflicts with our friends and family could emerge from this. Mental illness has the ability to drive us to unjustly overthrow our loved ones. Self-care for our mental health, along with medication if necessary, can help us preserve both our relationships and our mental stability.

Mental Health Affects Physical Health:

There’s a link between our mental health and our physical health. Stress and our immune systems can both be impacted by mental illness. Our bodies’ capacity to deal with disease may be compromised as a result. Anxiety and melancholy brought on by a sick mind might make it challenging to move around and keep active. The mind-body connection is well documented, which is why it is so important to be mindful of mental health issues.

Mental Health is related to Emotional Well-Being

Every day, your internal well-being is just as significant as your physical health. Advice on mental health explains how having a bad attitude can make you feel down, annoyed, or disturbed. Being emotionally healthy can increase our productivity and effectiveness at work and in our daily activities. We can ask friends, family, and psychologists for mental health guidance to keep tabs on our emotional and general well-being.

Mental Health Awareness Can Help in Curbing Suicide Rates

46 percent of suicide victims, according to a study, have a diagnosable mental health issue. According to results of another study by the US Department of Health and Human Services, significant depression, bipolar illness, or dysthymia were present in almost 60% of suicide victims. This illustrates the connection between mental health and suicide as well as how self-care and early medical intervention can reduce the number of suicide deaths. To maintain our mental health and to always be mindful of the mental health of those around us, it is imperative that we heed advice.

Mental Health is linked with Crime and Victimization

According to certain studies, being mentally ill increases the likelihood of committing violent crimes. It also leads to self-victimization and abuse. This risk is further supported if the person uses illegal substances, abuses alcohol, and refuses to take prescribed medication. Most often, mentally unfit individuals commit crimes against members of their families or other people in their immediate social networks. Such situations can be avoided by asking a medical practitioner for mental health advice and comprehending the value of mental health.

Mental Health is connected to Productivity and Financial Stability

The fact that it increases your overall productivity and financial security is only one of the many reasons why it’s so important to take care of your mental health. People with major mental illnesses make 40% less money than those in good mental health, according to research in the American Journal of Psychiatry. The World Health Organization estimates that depression alone accounts for about 200 million lost workdays annually. It is well established that diminished productivity due to poor mental health has an effect on financial stability. To ensure excellent work performance and financial security, it is essential that we take the proper steps for mental wellness.

Mental Health is linked to Societal Factors

As was already said, violence and crime can rise as a result of poor mental health. On the other hand, children of mentally ill adults are more likely to experience maltreatment, neglect, and behavioral problems. They are probably going to develop into complex people who struggle to be accepted and supported by society as they get older. Additionally, it has been observed that those who experience mental health issues experience social isolation and find it challenging to maintain a fulfilling social life. In conclusion, mental health issues can significantly affect society. As a result, it’s critical to learn how to maintain excellent mental health and seek medical advice on the subject.

Mental Health affects the Quality of Life

It is obvious from the discussion above why it is crucial to look after your mental health. We may become disinterested in the activities we once found enjoyable due to mental illness. It can cause ups and downs and overwhelm us to the point where we are unable to continue even with the simplest activities. Untreated mental illness is frequently accompanied by emotions of hopelessness, sadness, unworthiness, guilt, anxiety, dread, and a sense of losing control. Before it’s too late, it’s critical to notice these symptoms and get advice on maintaining mental health from a licensed expert.

Mental Health Awareness Can Help in Ending Stigma

Despite the fact that many people experience mental illness, only a small fraction of them seek help because of the stigma attached to it. This is why it is so important to spread awareness about mental health. The stigma attached to mental illness affects both the number of people who seek therapy and the resources available for efficient treatment. These challenges might be insurmountable for persons who have underlying mental problems. By sharing mental health advice, people can be motivated to recognize their symptoms, engage in self-care, and, if necessary, seek treatment or medical assistance.

Mental Health Awareness enables Community Building

If we actively raise awareness of the importance of mental health, we can create stronger support systems for people with mental diseases. It would boost the likelihood of recovery in cases of mental illness by creating a more compassionate and tolerant global society. We can change the world, one person at a time, by learning about mental health and sharing that knowledge with others.

Mental Health and the Roofing IndustryMental Health and the Roofing Industry

As you are aware, running a roofing business involves a lot of safety and health concerns. You can be ignoring a crucial issue, namely suicide prevention, because you must concentrate on fall protection, material handling, and hazard communication, among other things.

Suicide is a significant public health issue that impacts people individually, as well as in their families, communities, and workplaces. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 48,344 Americans committed themselves in 2018, the most recent year for which there is national data. This makes suicide the tenth greatest cause of death in the country. The CDC also reports that in less than two decades, the suicide incidence among people aged 16 to 64 has grown by 42%.

Everyone is at risk for suicide, although some groups may be more vulnerable than others. The construction and extraction industries had much higher suicide rates than other businesses, according to a CDC analysis on suicide rates by industry and occupation for the year 2016. At 65.2 per 100,000 people, the suicide rate among those working in the roofing industry was significantly higher.

These statistics offer a convincing case for the roofing and construction industries to prioritize suicide prevention in terms of health and safety, not only because it offers employers the chance to help those who can benefit from suicide prevention education, mental health services, and support, but also because it can have a positive impact on workplace culture.

You should be aware of the risk factors and warning signs for suicide and create extensive suicide prevention programming initiatives if you want to help your employees maintain mental health.

Risk factors

Although there is no single reason for suicide, there are numerous, interconnected elements that, when they combine at specific times, increase the risk of suicide. In other words, despite the fact that it is common for people to hunt for a specific “cause” (such as a job loss or a relationship breakdown) when someone commits suicide, research on suicide prevention demonstrates that it is seldom that straightforward.

Risk factors are traits or circumstances that raise the possibility that someone will commit suicide. For instance, some people have a higher risk of suicide than others, just as some people have a higher risk of developing heart disease due to high blood pressure or a family history of the condition. Three types of risk factors for suicide can be identified: environmental, historical, and health-related.

Employers today frequently deal with employee health issues that have an influence on the workplace. Despite the growing emphasis given to concerns covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and their state and local equivalents, mental illness among employees has gotten little consideration.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that 43.8 million people experience mental illness in a given year.

Mental Health Conditions

Although there are hundreds of different mental health conditions, the following are some of the more prevalent ones that employers may encounter: bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, borderline personality disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, and major depression.

Emotional disorders and intellectual learning difficulties are included in California’s definition of mental disabilities, which is broader than the ADA’s. This implies that mental disabilities would include illnesses like ADHD and dyslexia.

An employer must be cautious when attempting to treat such mental health issues when they develop because they almost invariably fall within the ADA’s definition of protected disability and other state legislation with a similar intent. Similar to medical privacy laws, employee mental health issues must be handled with sensitivity.

Permissible Action

The employer may demand a fitness for duty assessment if it is found that the employee’s medical (mental) condition is interfering with his or her capacity to do the job satisfactorily, causing disruptions, or endangering workplace safety. The test has to be “job-related and reasonable in light of business necessity.”

Any advice that could be useful in conducting the assessment should be obtained from the employee’s personal doctor or other healthcare provider. Potential reasonable accommodations should be considered with the employee in collaboration with the concerned medical specialists if the exam does not completely prohibit the employee from employment.

There are several mental illnesses that can make a worker threaten to hurt other workers physically. Even with reasonable adjustments, the employer may be forced to let the employee go if they are unable of carrying out the crucial duties of their position without endangering their own or others’ safety. Such action ought to be uncommon and should only be taken when all other acceptable alternatives have been explored and determined to be impractical. Before making a termination choice, the medical professionals must be included.

What actions is your company taking to minimize the risks of mental health illnesses and injuries such as suicide?

The idea is to foster an atmosphere of trust. People need to be aware that asking for legitimate assistance will not result in punishment. Additionally, we deliberately keep conversations private. No one cares about what you know unless they know that you care, as the old saying goes.

Relationships that go beyond “hey how’s it going” are the first step in developing a culture of “family” that promotes mental wellness. Family provides the sense of worth and caring that everyone craves.

How are you promoting a healthy work environment and supporting mental health in the construction workforce?

There must be a foundation of care beyond just profits in healthy work environments. Personal investment in the team is required.

How To Help People With Mental Health ProblemHow To Help People With Mental Health Problem

We depend on our friends for a variety of things, and one of those things is unquestionably provide emotional support when times are tough. Teenagers dealing with mental health issues would naturally turn to their peers to vent, unload, and ask for support.

But it might be challenging to distinguish between a friend’s moodiness and other symptoms of depression or anxiety. It might be challenging to determine whether to simply listen, when to speak, and what to say. Determining when to bring it up with an adult and how to do so without betraying your friend’s trust are particularly difficult decisions.

Negative feelings, when they persist a long time or are overwhelming, are nothing to be dismissed because depression and bipolar illness afflict roughly 15% of teenagers, and one in three teenagers will satisfy the criteria for an anxiety condition by the time they are 18.

How to be a good friend to someone who is struggling

Support her assertions. People want to feel understood, particularly when they are dealing with challenging feelings or situations that could make them feel incredibly alone. You are under no need to pretend to feel the same as your friend. Saying, “That sounds challenging,” while listening without passing judgment, can be helpful. Validation conveys to the other person that their feelings are reasonable in light of the circumstances. Validating your friend indicates that this is not a “overreaction” or a “underreaction,” even if you have never experienced that precise circumstance or felt an emotion quite as strongly. It is how they feel, and that is totally acceptable.

How can you assist? It demonstrates your concern and lessens some of the uncertainty. It may surprise you to hear what he has to say. If he is unable to provide an immediate response, it can inspire him to begin making plans ahead of time.

Be sympathetic to her constraints. Don’t count on your friend to go out with you every time you invite her, for instance, if she is depressed. But keep asking and make sure she knows how much you appreciate her business.

Don’t blab. People frequently find it very difficult to talk openly about their struggles with mental illness. Respect a friend’s trust by not disclosing more information than he would like to if he confides in you. However, be aware that it is acceptable to ask an adult for assistance if necessary.

Alter the topic. While it’s vital to listen, it can also be helpful to offer a pleasant diversion. You don’t have to talk about your friend’s mental health in every conversation. She might feel better if you talked about what’s going on in your lives, discussed something you both find interesting, or took a break and did yoga or a stroll together.

What you don’t need to do:

  • Always be accessible
  • Put your safety in jeopardy to protect your pal
  • If everything is going well for you, feel guilty.
  • Continue to be in a relationship that isn’t fulfilling for you.

Keep in mind that you are never solely accountable for the mental health of another person. It’s possible that you feel responsible and that your friend is even trying to make you believe that you are the only one who can relate to and assist the situation. The best thing you can do as a friend occasionally is to take a step back so that your buddy may start receiving support from one of the specialists who have been educated in helping persons with mental health difficulties.

You probably come into contact with persons who have a mental illness in your family or in your daily life because millions of people in the United States live with a mental health issue. However, if you’re unclear of how to approach someone who could be having a hard time, these suggestions might be useful.

Suggestions on how you may approach someone living with a mental health condition:

  • Talk to them in a setting that is comfortable, where interruptions are unlikely and where distractions are probably at a minimum.
  • Gently introduce yourself to the discourse. It’s acceptable if the person isn’t in the right frame of mind to talk. A simple hello and act of compassion can go a long way. Less is sometimes better.
  • Make sure you communicate with ease and composure.
  • Be direct in your communication and stick to a single subject at a time.
  • Reflective listening techniques, such as saying things like “I hear you’re having a horrible day today,” can help you to be polite, caring, and understanding of their feelings. Yes, some days are undoubtedly harder than others. I recognize.”
  • Use ‘I’ statements in place of ‘you’ statements to avoid talking down to the other person.
  • Make eye contact, listen intently, and respond in a compassionate manner.
  • Ask them the right questions and refrain from being nosy.
  • Give them a chance to speak and be vulnerable, but don’t press.
  • Share some basic knowledge to promote simple conversation, such as observations about the environment, the neighborhood, or something else.
  • By expressing your emotions and seeking out common ground, you can lessen any defensiveness.
  • Speak to them at a volume that reflects their age and stage of development. Remember that a person’s IQ has nothing to do with their mental health.
  • Being angered or perplexed by your talk with someone can be dangerous.
  • Respect and understanding should be shown for how they interpret and report their symptoms.
  • Be sincere when expressing your worry.
  • Encourage the person, pray for them, and express your hope in their recovery.

Things to Avoid Saying:

  • Just think about praying.
  • You simply need to alter your attitude.
  • Stop dwelling on the bad; just get on with living.
  • Everyone experiences that at times.
  • You share my (or whoever’s) disease.
  • Yes, we all feel a little crazy now and then.

Things to Avoid Doing:

  • Criticizing, accusing, or yelling at them.
  • Talking excessively, too quickly, or too loudly.
  • Pauses and sighs are acceptable.
  • Displaying any hostility in their direction.
  • Making assumptions about them or their circumstances.
  • Making jokes about their illness or being sarcastic.
  • Speaking in a patronizing or condescending manner.